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A Break in the Clouds--Karen Dean Benson
A Break in the Clouds

Come Here to Me Karen Dean Bensen
Come to Me

Come to Me -- Karen Dean Benson
Secret at Dark Castle

Mulberry Bend -- Karen Dean Benson
Mulberry Bend

Mission Song -- Karen Dean Benson
Mission Song

Devil's Grace -- Karen Dean Benson
Devil's Grace

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Women’s historical novels whose sole purpose is to
transport you to another time and another place.

Tamsin's pulse raced; her instincts whispered that something was wrong. Uncle Basil's stillness felt off. She leaned closer, studying his face.

“Uncle Basil?” she murmured, barely more than a breath. Her fingers brushed his hand, which was unsettlingly cool to the touch.

A quiet shudder passed through her. The empty glass beside him held dim traces of an amber liquid, its faint scent unmistakable. Her thoughts swirled, trying to piece together what she was seeing. She looked back at him, her gaze tracing his wide-open hazel eyes, fixed on a distant point in the room.

Suddenly, the faint echo of a creak sounded from the darkened hallway. Her pulse thundered in her ears. 

Prickly Hawthorn Village series 

Secret at Dark Castle
A convent-raised lass finds something she didn’t know was missing.
Come Here to Me 
A young doctor learns education isn’t always found in books.
A Break in the Clouds
An almost spinster is quite content until she isn’t.

Ladies of Mischief series

Historical Fiction mixed with mayhem, mischief and spiced with charm  

Young women, who are not deliberate troublemakers though curious about their future and determined to live true to their dreams.

Devil’s Grace – RennArelia’s story
An heirloom locket – a blessing or a curse?
Mission Song – Chenoa’s story

Cloistered secrets and a vigilante’s promise – can they be kept?
Mulberry Bend – Aisling’s story

A crippling fear of the future is rooted in the past.


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